Mixed reality allows, users, to navigate through the real world and the virtual environment seamlessly at the simultaneously. The virtual objects are positioned in the real world space and coordinates. Whenever a user moves towards it, the virtual objects get bigger and vice versa. And whenever a user moves around it, one can see the virtual objects from different angles and perspectives… just like real objects would behave. The experience is like viewing holograms objects.
Furthermore, in mixed reality, users are also able to manipulate the virtual objects. Users can interact with their concepts in virtual objects form as if they really existed in front of them.
Some examples of the mixed reality technology are Microsoft HoloLens, Magic Leap and Canon MREAL System. Although some say that HoloLens is under the AR (Augmented Reality) category; according to Microsoft, it should get categorised under the MR (Mixed Reality) domain. Below is the Youtube video clip showing the anticipated capabilities of HoloLens for the consumers and industrialist.
Mixed Reality is yet in its infancy. However, there are still some applications that MR may be suited for.
Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality Technology
Virtual Reality’s most recognisable component is the head-mounted display (HMD). Human beings are visual creatures, and display technology is often the single biggest difference between immersive Virtual Reality systems and traditional user interfaces. For instance, CAVE automatic virtual environments actively display virtual content onto room-sized screens. While they are fun for people in universities and big labs, consumer and industrial wearables are the wild west.
Virtual Reality and data visualisation
Scientific and engineering data visualisation has benefited for years from Virtual Reality, although recent innovation in display technology has generated interest in everything from molecular visualisation to architecture to weather models.
VR for aviation, medicine and the military
In aviation, medicine, and the military, Virtual Reality training is an attractive alternative to live training with expensive equipment, dangerous situations, or sensitive technology. Commercial pilots can use realistic cockpits with VR technology in holistic training programs that incorporate virtual flight and live instruction. Surgeons can train with virtual tools and patients, and transfer their virtual skills into the operating room, and studies have already begun to show that such training leads to faster doctors who make fewer mistakes. Police and soldiers are able to conduct virtual raids that avoid putting lives at risk.
Virtual Reality and the treatment of mental illness
Speaking of medicine, the treatment of mental illness, including post-traumatic stress disorder, stands to benefit from the application of Virtual Reality technology to ongoing therapy programs. Whether it’s allowing veterans to confront challenges in a controlled environment, or overcoming phobias in combination with behavioural therapy, VR has a potential beyond gaming, industrial and marketing applications to help people heal from, reconcile and understand real world experiences.
Virtual Reality used for technical, corporate, medical, defence, logistics, trainings
Virtual Reality used for technical, corporate, medical, defence, logistics, trainings
Virtual Reality used for technical, corporate, medical, defence, logistics, trainings
Immersive VR
A 3D environment with the experience of collision, occlusion and parallax allows for a VR experience.
And then, it is Digital Rhombus that delivers the "wow" factor.
Tech Highlight:
3D modelling - At the heart of a convincing virtual reality experience is an accurate and convincing 3D layout.
Photorealistic Renders - Understanding and designing the right kind of finishing allows for the human mind to be deceived in believing the environment.
An exact replica of live - Ability to recreate live monuments, statues etc.
The viewer has control - The viewer has absolute control over the experience in terms of being able to walk, interact with objects etc.
360º Video
A unique way to engage viewers who experience a complete 360º view of an environment from the point of view of the camera.
Tech Highlight:
2D Videos - Essentially, these are video streams that are recorded in synchronisation. By nature, a video is 2D and therefore, the images by themselves are unable to deliver a 3D environment.
Faster Turnaround - Though the production task is exhaustive right from the scripting to delivery stage, it takes considerably lesser time to deliver a 360º Video VR.
More than film - The methodology pertains to the cinematic domain but in order to deliver the right experience, there are various other milestones and tasks to be achieved in delivering a successful 360º Video VR.